Don’t make these mistakes after Zygoma surgery in Malaysia

Many of our patients report how good they feel after Zygoma surgery in Malaysia. However, it’s important to remember the recovery process needs to be taken in stages.

We are dedicated to ensuring you get the most from each and every one of our procedures. In this case, that means you’ll need to check the following boxes to make sure things go smoothly after an operation affecting the Zygoma.

Get Mobile

For some patients, the tendency is to take it easy after one of these procedures. Of course, that’s fine for the first 24 hours. However, if you’ve been cleared to move about by one of our dental surgeons, we suggest mobility is a way to help heal.

You should keep in mind that bedrest isn’t always a good idea after this kind of surgery. Your muscles can weaken. If you stay in bed long enough, you can even develop blood clots.

Zygoma in Malaysia and Our Facilities

We have an excellent facility to treat any kind of bone augmentation that’s needed. This is quite often a first step in dental implants. Our outstanding dental team is always ready to answer any and all of your questions because transparency is one of our core values.

Take Your Medications

It’s important that you follow all of the advice our dental professionals give you. Taking any medications we prescribe is at the top of that list. Suffering through even minor pain can affect other aspects of your life. Our professionals only prescribe the medications that are needed in the correct doses.

Eat and Drink

Although you might not feel like it right after your surgery, it’s important to eat and drink as much as you can, as often as possible. Keeping your body refueled will actually help you heal quicker.

You need to keep your muscle tone up and to stay hydrated during the healing process. Looking after yourself throughout this critical period will ensure that you get back to your normal routines quickly.

Listen to the Dentist

Keep in mind, we have a variety of excellent suggestions for you after this procedure. For example, our qualified dental surgeons will be able to tell you when it’s safe to get behind the wheel again and drive. If you follow our detailed and compassionate instructions, Zygoma surgery in Malaysia should be a hassle-free experience.

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